Doctoral student Lan Jin passed her written and oral qualifying exams and now advances to doctoral candidacy.
Doctoral student Steve Whittaker passed his qualifying exams at Yale School of Public Health and advances to doctoral candidacy.
Doctoral student Lan Jin received funding for her research from the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies (YIBS). Lan’s work investigates air pollution distribution with high...
Lucia Woo (M.Sc. student) received the Ewha Womans University Alumnae Association of North America Scholarship.
Doctoral student Amruta Sarma passed her written and oral qualifying exams and now advances to doctoral candidacy.
Recent postdoc Gavin Pereira joined the faculty at Curtin University of Technology in the School of Public Health, Perth, Australia.
Doctoral candidate Anobha Gurung, gave an invited presentation and participated at Urban Health Initiative Expert Workshop. The workshop was organized by Department of Public...