
Recent Publications

Associations between gestational residential radon exposure and term low birthweight in Connecticut, USA
S Heo, L Li, J-Y Son, P Koutrakis, and ML Bell
Epidemiology (accepted)
A nationwide time-series analysis for short-term effects of ambient temperature on violent crime in South Korea
S Heo, HM Choi, J-T Lee, ML Bell
Scientific Reports 2024:14; 3210
The effect modification of greenspace and impervious surface on the heat-mortality association: Differences by the dissimilarity index
HM Choi, S Heo, ML Bell
Science of the Total Environment 2024:908; 168074
Wildfire smoke exposure during pregnancy and perinatal, obstetric, and early childhood health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
D Foo, S Heo, R Stewart, G Dhamrait, HM Choi, Y Song, ML Bell
Environmental Research 2024:241; 117527
Joint effect of heat and air pollution on mortality in 620 cities of 36 countries
M Stafoggia, P Michelozzi, A Schneider, ..., ML Bell, ..., FK De'Donato
Environment International 2023:181; 108258