April 26, 2024
On Friday, April 26, Visiting Fellow Pedro Diaz Peralta was awarded the title of 2024 Emerging Scholar Award in Climate Change by the Sixteenth Climate Change: Impacts & Responses Conference on 24-26 April, in ÉKLORE-ED School of Management, Pau, France.
The Emerging Scholar Award was a rewarding and useful professional and career development experience Worldwide. The Scientific Committee recognized his excellent work on Human Impacts and Impacts on Humans caused by Climate Change.
On April 26, he was recognized at the Conference Closing Session. His primary role was as chairperson in four themed panel sessions and the Innovation Show Cases, a special panel to introduce low-cost possibilities in adaptation to help the change in the Emergent Economies. He also presented his research paper. to evaluate the impact of environmental factors, traffic-related pollution, and relevant health determinants in populations living in suburban and nearby urban environments such as the Guarani-Kaiowá community of Dourados-Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.