Leo Goldsmith previous account

Leo Goldsmith previous account's picture
Research Scientist of Environmental Management, Climate Change Science and Solutions, Yale School of the Environment

Curriculum Vitae

M.S. Environmental Management, Yale University, 2020

B.A. Environmental Studies, Oberlin College, 2016

Leo Goldsmith is a recent graduate of the Yale School of the Environment. His research focuses on how climate change disproportionately impacts the health of the LGBTQ+ population, primarily those with intersecting marginalized identities. His interests stem from his own personal identities as a queer, transgender Latino and his passion for intersectional climate justice. 

Leo joined the Bell research group in early 2020 as a research assistant and starting May joined as an Environmental Justice and Health Strategic Initiative Fellow. He is researching potential unequal environmental exposures, such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, and natural disasters, on the LGBTQ+ population and its subsequent health impacts. The LGBTQ+ population face minority stress and have higher risks of chronic illnesses which could partially be caused by environmental exposures or interact with those exposures. 

Outside of research, Leo is an integral member of the Wildland Firefighter Rights Initiative, connecting existing health impacts of being a wildland firefighter to increased risk of contracting COVID-19. In his free time Leo is spending time with his cat and nurturing his indoor plants.

Selected Awards

1. Selected for the Environmental Fellows Program
2. Yale F&ES Alumni Association Board Scholarship for Environment and Health