Kelvin Fong

Kelvin Fong's picture
Postdoctoral Associate

Curriculum Vitae             Google Scholar

ScD, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Environmental Health, 2018

MSc, ETH Zurich, Environmental Sciences, 2012

HBSc, University of Toronto, Physiology and Music, 2010

Our surroundings and environmental exposures have major impacts on our health. Through research, I strive to minimize health detriments, especially among vulnerable populations. 

Currently, I focus on environmental health disparities, asking if certain population subgroups are more exposed to and more affected by exposures such as air pollution, heat, and natural vegetation (greenness). To do this, I develop methods to efficiently process large amounts of spatiotemporal data, then apply advanced epidemiologic methods to ascertain health effects. 

Selected Awards

  1. Steering Committee Member, International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Student and New Researcher Network
  2. Harvard Graduate Consortium on Energy & Environment, Harvard University Center for the Environment
  3. Benjamin Greeley Ferris, Jr Fellowship in Environmental Epidemiology, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health

Selected Publications

  1. Fong KC, Mehta NK, Bell ML. Disparities in Exposure to Surrounding Greenness Related to Proportion of the Population that were Immigrants to the United StatesInternational Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2020, 224: 113434
  2. Fong KC, Kosheleva A, Kloog I, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Laden F, Schwartz JD. Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Birthweight: Differences in Associations along the Birthweight DistributionEpidemiology 2019, 30(5): 617-623.
  3. Fong KC, Kloog I, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Laden F, Schwartz JD, James P. Residential Greenness and Birthweight in the State of Massachusetts, USAInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2018, 15(6): 1248.