Hayon Michelle Choi
Ph.D. Candidate, School of the Environment
Google Scholar
MS Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Seoul National University, 2018
B.S., Korea University, 2016
Hayon is a PhD candidate at Yale University where she studies environmental epidemiology and health impact of climate change. Hayon is interested in the relationship between hot/cold temperature and health, especially focusing on finding the gap between groups with different environment settings.
Hayon received her MS from Seoul National University (2018) where she wrote her thesis on the causal inference of air pollution and health. During this time, Hayon was a member of developing software called Rex (http://rexsoft.org/) combining two types of software (R and Microsoft Excel); specifically involved in the implementation of statistical methods. Outside of academia, Hayon has held the position of the student government president for one year at SNU Public Health.
Selected Awards
Environmental Justice and Health Initiative, Student Research Fellowship, 2020
Award for Poster presentation in The Korean Society for Preventive Medicine, October 2018
Award for Best Paper Competition in The Korean Society of Epidemiology, October 2017
Award for Poster presentation in The Korean Society for Preventive Medicine, August 2017
Award for Oral presentation in The Korean Society of Health Informatics and Statistics, November 2016
Selected Publications
Choi, H. M.; Chen, C.; Son, J.-Y.; Bell, M. L. (2021). Temperature-mortality relationship in North Carolina, USA: Regional and urban-rural differences. Science of The Total Environment, 787: Art.No. 147672. PMID: 34000533
Lee, W.; Kim, H.; Choi, H. M.; Heo, S.; Fong, K. C.; Yang, J.; Park, C.; Kim, H.; Bell, M. L. (2021). Urban environments and COVID-19 in three Eastern states of the United States. Science of The Total Environment, 779: Art.No. 146334. PMID: 33744577
Lee W, Choi H. M., et al. (2019). Synergic effect between high temperature and air pollution on mortality in Northeast Asia. Environmental Research, 178: Art.No. 108735. PMID: 31539825
Lee W, Choi H. M., et al. (2018). Temporal changes in mortality impacts of heat wave and cold spell in Korea and Japan. Environment International, 116: p. 136-146. PMID: 29679776