Audrey Amezcua-Smith
Ph.D. Student, School of the Environment
Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar
BA Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Minor Sociology - Rice University
MPH Environmental Health Sciences - UC Berkeley
Audrey Amezcua-Smith is interested in how urban environments affect public health, the environment, and people’s quality of life. Her PhD work focuses on the relationship between the built environment, especially transportation systems and streetscape features, and environmental, social, and health outcomes.
Prior to Yale, Audrey was an environmental data scientist with PSE Healthy Energy, where she worked on hyperlocal air monitoring through California’s AB-617 and investigated decarbonization health and equity co-benefits throughout the Western U.S. Audrey has also worked or interned with the California Environmental Protection Agency, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and as an environmental planner. She completed her master’s thesis with CalEPA, focusing on the role of greenness in modifying health outcomes during heat waves in urban and rural settings.
When Audrey isn’t being studious, you can probably find her teaching a group fitness class, learning improv comedy, or in search of her next sweet treat.